I am a twenty-something dreamer, reader, writer and teacher. I am a wife, a health conscious revolutionary. I am a humanitarian, a world-traveler, a friend. I am not a feminist, but I love being a woman. I am an academic advisor and a teacher. I am working on a Master's degree in Rhetoric, which means I have a love affair with words.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Everyone I meet

I am an envious person. Whenever I meet someone and spend an extended amount of time-- maybe, say, twenty minutes-- with them, I immediately decide that what they have is something I want. Perhaps it is a product of growing up an only child or maybe it stems from Santa bringing me too many hand me down toys but the fact is, you could be the worse person on the planet and I would somehow conclude that you have something I want. And maybe you do.

The bum on the street? He has a world view I will never gain, no matter how hard I try. He made way worse decisions than I have ever had the courage to make. He has seen more summer nights than I ever will with my 10pm/5am schedule. And really, if pressed, he could write a book. And it would be better than mine.

My brother in law used to date a woman prone to drug use. Her life was a disaster. I was convinced she was wiser than I could ever hope to be. I still kind of believe that.

There is an old black gentlemen who lives in the neighborhood where I used to live. He looks young, but is probably close to seventy. He walks everyday and he stares. he knows cars, people, the business of the land. One day it was raining like hell and i saw him, a limping figure moving slowly, laboriously down the road. I wanted to turn around and I almost did. Emphasis on almost. One day, when it is raining again, I'm going to pick him up and find out all the reasons that I should be envious of him. I'm sure there are plenty.

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