I am a twenty-something dreamer, reader, writer and teacher. I am a wife, a health conscious revolutionary. I am a humanitarian, a world-traveler, a friend. I am not a feminist, but I love being a woman. I am an academic advisor and a teacher. I am working on a Master's degree in Rhetoric, which means I have a love affair with words.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Page 277, A glimpse of Love

Today was a half snow day. While I am grateful for the few hours-- I scrubbed my oven, ate, read-- I am not sure I am fully committed to such an idea. I think they should just go for the gold and close for the day-- from a business stance, you already lost some money and from an ethical stance, you are only cutting your chances of killing an innocent student who can't drive in the snow by half instead of obliterating it entirely.


I am reading Her Fearful Symmetry (as I have noted before) and aside from being PACKED full of amazing words I don't use regularly but really should, it is also entertaining.

It will live on my bookshelf for years to come.

On page 277, one of the main characters (Martin) explains love to his young friend Julia, who is half of the twin combo that the book is based on. He states:

"[love is] wanting to please, worrying that she will see me as I really am. But wanting to be known. That is... you're naked, moaning the dark, no dignity at all... I wanted her to see me and to love me even though she knew everything I am , and I knew her."

And although this is not a stunning piece of language that I want to hold to my heart and own (see Shakespeare, "When he shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars and he will make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun."); it actually has some real dept and truth to it that is haunting.

I especially like the ending. "and I knew her". Isn't that part of it? Real love is when you still love the person who knows all of you. You do not run and hide and hate them because they know your secrets. You pick your nose in front of them and then reach for a kiss and you go on. That's love.

And as for moaning naked in the dark with no dignity-- shit son. I am thinking of the times Art has seen me puking (self induced from vodka or just the flu) and I know that this quote has merit.

Alright, I am off to the land of work and school-- two places that actually fulfill me, and for which I am thankful. I know, gag me, right? Sorry, but I am good at optimism.

(Oh and I should mention that I think this would be an awesome assignment for an English classroom-- find quotes on love or life or etc, and make a collage of them and then write a response. Oh it makes me tingle inside.)

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